


Russell Brand interviewing Iranian comedian Omid Djalili.

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Dear Russell, Matt and team (with Trevor being sadly missed),

I'm writing to thank you for the grand service you provide in cheering up a nostalgic ex-pat living in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A fine mix familiar tunes and juvenile behavior (made more so in the absence of Trevor) lifts the spirits for the working week ahead.

I'm not quite sure I'd want to translate that British citizens are calling a radio show pleading for advice on how to avoid friends pissing on their legs

Listening to the show is quite a laborious task and not made any easier by the circa 1998 connection speed. Dodging the IT guys hawking building in search of the culprit responsible for bumming all the bandwidth is a frustrating deviation from your verbal ramblings. Then having to explain why I'm folded over, ripping the earphones out in tears of suppressed laughter is my next problem. The strange looks from my colleagues who are poised with concern is a tad embarrassing. I'm not quite sure I'd want to translate that British citizens are calling a radio show pleading for advice on how to avoid friends pissing on their legs in the showers or about the reasoning for dolphins hooking their cocks on the slack of one's shorts.

Speaking of piss, work and living in strange places, I've just recently been kicked out of my grandmother's where I suffered a temporary stay while seeking new residence. Her official reasons for not wanting to endure me any longer were: 1. that I piss standing up (back-splash I guess, although I do wash the surrounding area of the hole in the ground) and 2. that I spend too much money. I found these reasons odd as she is unable to verify either. My next available living option adds an additional 3-hours commute to my day and quadruples the travel expense, thus nullifying 50% of her argument – I'm not sure I'd want to contest the other.

OK, it's been a sore subject for me lately and one I actually contemplated calling and pleading "help!" over.

Congratulations on being the number one downloaded Podcast, I hope you get around to finally dishing out some promised ice-cream and all the best of luck in your campaign of freeing Tibet from Chinese occupation.

Keep up the good work.


Russell Brand's weekly radio show on BBC Radio 2 can be found here.

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  • Hi Dave,

    I've been reading your blog for the last six months or so, then was talking to my friend Meredith at Uni about the need to get some advice from an Iranian blogger, and she came up with your name!

    I'm writing a dissertation on female Iranian bloggers and would really appreciate any help you can give me. Perhaps I can explain more in a private email? Please contact me at tafm20@sussex.ac.uk and I'll fill you in on what I hope to do. Thanks very much, Tracey

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:15 pm  

  • hi there,
    thanks for visiting my blog. You have a nice site here.
    I'm in rush but will be back to read morea nd exchange comments soon.

    In Iran, I speak Farsi, abroad, I speak Persian.
    If you ask and Iratian or French, who lives in the US, what they speak, they don't say Italiano or Francais.

    By Blogger Naj, at 4:37 pm  

  • If I ask an Iranian in England (using Persian), they will answer that they speak Farsi.

    By Blogger ddmmyyyy, at 4:53 pm  

  • Hello David,
    In an effort to help defuse the drum beats of war, to make any bombing of Iran unthinkable I started what I call Iran Blogapalooza on my blog where I feature an Iranian blog, write about it, excerpt some posts and generally try to entice my readers to visit the blog and so increase understanding and solidarity with each other. So is it ok if I feature your blog?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:41 am  

  • @RickB: defuse, defuse, abort, initiate "Blogapalooza". Send me the link, sounds great, I'll link you here.

    @nuh ibn zbigniew gondek: Alaikum salaam, e-ramatolah. Thanks for dropping by, increase the peace and keep up the good work. Thanks for the link.

    By Blogger ddmmyyyy, at 10:48 am  

  • David, regarding my argument "against' Farsi, see

    By Blogger Naj, at 4:46 am  

  • Hi David,

    Most professional Iran-based blog Ive yet seen. Awesome undertaking!

    Im a Tehran resident of two years, moved back from (where else?) LA,
    and am working on a web project due to debut June 07. Its a "synergy entourage" concept that requires contributions from Iranians whose English skillz are up to par. PC vis-a-vis IRI, so no worries. I cant get into details here, but if you would be so kind as to contact me at
    ihtehran@gmail.com, I would love to meet up for a coffee & talk.

    Hope to hear from you soon

    p.s. Im a totall *n00b* on the blogosphere scene but feel free to leave a comment on my near-empty blog (axisilluminati.blogspot.com)
    : )

    By Blogger tnm16, at 3:06 pm  

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